Stuff Covered:
- Bothell TSA Job Tracker – jobs assigned
- Need a WordPress website before the school year begins- Laksh (Webmaster)
- Everyone to have basic proficiency in WordPress
- Everyone has an account
- Password: password123
- URL:
- To login:
- Merchandise figured out before the school year begins
- Writing grant documents before the school starts
- Polish them
- Get them on the website
- Plan for Regionals Conference
- Bothell TSA has separate criteria to make sure effort is put
- Have Progress checks – google form
- Or make monthly Google Docs or videos
- Reach out to MS to start the TSA chapter
- To make sure the district likes us
- To be able to get grants
- I-movie/ Capcut – montages with pics “What is TSA”
- Producing and editing videos to gain interest
- Officers DO WORK
- TSA Event Guides
- Need someone to make an ideal template for all TSA guides from the inspiration of many examples like Children’s Storybook event for inspiration
- Everyone make a member page
- Need a WordPress website before the school year begins- Laksh (Webmaster)
Secretary Signature: ___Irene Batta and Henry Nguyen____
Members here:
- Irene
- Henry
- Krish
- Nakul
- Vish
- Laksh